News and Events
Announcement of New Term
Precious Children is delighted to announce that our opening day will be on the 21st August 2021 from 11.30-1pm.
Updated Information for Afterschool Children Only
Posted: Friday 03/07/2020
Dear Parents / Guardians,
This is to inform all Parents/Guardians that due to new regulations and guidelines made by Hse the scheduled reopening of our centres, unfortunately, has to be put back to a later date of Wednesday 8th July 2020 our times are 9 am to 230pm on this first week of our settling in week.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We look forward to seen yous all soon,
Kind regards
P.S Can you please ensure that you all filled out the documents required on our website and return them ASAP as we won’t have your child booked in with us for Wednesday.
If you have any enquiries please call us on 014067799 or 08552701809 or carolines mobile number 0858715137.
Thank you
End of Year Art Work Collection
Posted: Thursady 25/06/2020
Children can come to the creche to collect their yearly art work bag at Ravensdale creche. All preschool toddlers/wobblers can come next FRIDAY 3rd JULY between 11am and 1pm and at St.Mary’s creche between 2pm and 4pm.
Now Taking Enrolments
Precious Children Daycare is now taking enrolments. Any parents who would like to enrol their child but HAVE NOT submitted their enrolment form request please click the button below and fill out the form.
New Children Checklist
If you’re looking for your child to attend Precious Children Daycare, please print, fill out and return the forms which are available below.
- Child Starting or Returning to Creche Covid Checklist
- Child Introduction Form
- Children’s Record Form
- Infection & Protection Control Form
- Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp & Website Content Permission Form
- Return to Creche For Parents
- Parents Agreement For COVID
- Travel Holiday Form
These forms give us all the information needed to help us get to know your child before they have their first day at our daycare. This will help them ease into their new daycare experience. It also gives you peace of mind knowing we have information about your child so we can administer medication if necessary or know what parent/guardian is permitted to collect your child.

Dear Proud Parents and Guardians, Friday, July 24th at Mary’s let us celebrate together with your little ones’ GRADUATION DAY. Like every year we at Precious Children are excited to host this heart-rending event that sees your children head to the next step!
Some extra information for all children’s graduation. On graduation day every child can be accompanied by one adult to precious children daycare on the 24th July 2020. Location and times to be updated due to social distance and also weather permitting. Graduation will last up to one hour per class group. We will be asking parents to take part in weekly activities coming closer to the date. Please fill in the form if interested.
Gowns and Hats are part of the graduation they will need to be collected and returned to creche more information nearer the time. Pictures will be taken by parents at home with hats and gowns
End of year graduation video of the pre-school class 2020 will be provided. Please ensure you fill out the form below if your and you are taken part.
We wish to thank you in advance for your participation and cooperation and we look forward to seeing you on your child’s GRADUATION DAY!
P.S If you don’t want to fill out our graduation form below you can download and print it off here.